Spell Box Banishing
-Consecration Feather
-Banishing Candle
Red Salt, Cedar, Pine, Rosemary, Clove, Pepper
-Cedar Smudge Stick
Protection, Purification
-Incense Sticks
Dragon’s Blood, Sage
-HOTFOOT POWDER – Banishing Spell
Consecrated Sea Salt, Cayenne Pepper, Chili Powder,
Crushed Red Pepper, Black Pepper, Sulfur…
Powerful and swift, you won’t hear from them again!
-Banishing & Warding Bottle
Place the bottle prominently, within sight.
Frankincense Oil, Black and Cayenne Peppers.
Consecrated metal objects.
Myrrh and Dragon’s Blood
-Gossip Stopper Sachet
& Rid Unwanted Individuals
Carry on the person.
Frankincense Oil, Centaury, Clove,
tobacco and white vinegar. Golden Rutilated Quartz
-Black Salt Bottle
Protection. Sprinkle at the doorstep and sweep outward.
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